Tuesday, 18 October 2016

How to Optimize YouTube Video To Drive more traffic and views.

Driving traffic and increasing views to your videos on YouTube was not easy before, but In this article we will discuss facts that make YouTube so productive for SEO’s. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, with 100 hours of content uploaded every minute.

Today we will learn complete YouTube SEO.

Youtube SEO Guide

Lets just understand how YouTube is an important tool for marketing.
YouTube Facts and Stats
  • More than one Billion people use YouTube every month.
  • 1.5 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every sec.
  • More than 800 tweets per minute contain a YouTube link.
1. On Google page.

Google provides lot of priority to YouTube videos to rank on Google 1st page.

2. On Youtube Search

As YouTube is worlds second largest search engine.

3. On YouTube Suggested videos.
This is the important place where we can accept a lot of views to the site.

1. Keyword Optimization.

a .http://keywordtool.io/youtube

This tool can find auto suggest keyword by you-tube you can also find how to type keyword by putting different type of keyword combination.
See the below screen-shot for example I am using how to make as a modifier and it shows me all result for the same keyword.

b. http://www.keywordtooldominator.com/k/youtube-keyword-toolT

YouTube Keyword Tool is a free keyword tool used to find long tail keywords directly from YouTube.
Always check the first page of Google for your targeted keywords, that focused keyword should have a video on the first page of Youtube to get an edge among others.

Now we can move for step 2.

A. Free alternative practice to select the keyword

1- Open YouTube.
2- Type few starting words of your keyword in YouTube search box.
3- Find you tube suggested keyword’s related to your keyword having higher searches by           users.
4- Select some keywords.

B. LSI keywords.

Save your video on desktop (rename the video if required according to keyword) now you just need to save it by the keyword name “targeted keyword + brand” or LSI keyword which you have selected for ranking.

3. Optimizing Keyword in Description

For example See the below screenshot of my client Video who wanted to optimized their video For Indian superheroes

5- Add video Annotations

YouTube uses the algorithm called Reverse Engineering to rank the videos.

By understanding the algorithm You can understand algorithm is designed to promote channels that are capable of uploading videos that get and keep a large swath of their niche audience watching. If you want to be successful on YouTube the best advice we can give you is to focus on one very specific niche interest and make as many 10-minute or longer videos as you can about that singular topic.

So, Where You want To Rank Your Video?
Google provides lot of priority to YouTube videos to rank on Google 1st page.
For Example See one of my client videos.

As YouTube is worlds second largest search engine.
This is the important place where we can generate a lot of views to the site.

Before starting Youtube SEO we need to understand which factors affects YouTube SEO.
There are some signals in which YouTube ranks the video.
  • Title tag information.
  • Audience retention.
  • Keywords in description tag.
  • Tags.
  • Video length.
  • Number of subscribers after watching.
  • Comments.
  • Likes and dislikes.

These are most common keywords which has a good YouTube ranking
Google tends to use video Rank for following keywords:

  • How-to keywords (“how to Use mobile”)
  • Reviews (“Moto G review”)
  • Tutorials (“Creating Facebook page”)
  • Anything fitness or sports related (“Cardio kick boxing”)
  • Funny videos (“Cute puppy”)
    Include these magic keywords in your video to get maximum viewers.
For Keyword selection you can use the below tools that are available online for free.
This tool can find auto suggest keyword by you-tube you can also find how to type keyword by putting different type of keyword combination.
See the below screen-shot for example I am using how to make as a modifier and it shows me all result for the same keyword.
YouTube Keyword Tool is a free keyword tool used to find long tail keywords directly from YouTube.
Always check the first page of Google for your targeted keywords, that focused keyword should have a video on the first page of YouTube to get an edge among others.

Now we can move for step 2.

LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) are basically keywords that are semantically related to your primary keyword. Contrary to popular belief, they are NOT just synonym or keywords that are similar in meaning. LSI keywords are also keywords that are sentimentally related with your primary keyword
LSI keywords can be found on the first page below Google search results.
Always find LSI keyword as they are long tail keyword too.

After finalizing your keyword lets move to optimize 4 it by keeping SEO in mind.
1.Keyword in Video filename

2 . Keyword in title tag
YouTube uses title tag as a factor to rank your video. As for our website we optimize the title tag for SEO same in the you-tube you have to put your keyword in title tag. If you write your title by starting the keyword it will be added advantage for optimization .Keep in mind you don’t do the keyword stuffing in the title tag. Also put relevant keywords in title tag of your video.
Google and YouTube can’t “listen” to videos and can’t see the images. They just understand your tags and description to understand your video content.
That’s why video description is one of the important part of the youtube seo. Youtube uses your description to understand your targeted audience and niche of videos.
As per http://zoved.com/ following are Some neat things that you should use are
  • Copy your title with the target keyword and paste it at the very top of your description.
  • Put your website or affiliate link right after that.
  • Write your description in depth at least of 300 words.
  • Add your social profile links in the description (Like Facebook, Linkedin, Google+)
  • Include your primary and LSI keywords in the description 3 to 5 times.
  • Add your main keyword at the beginning of the description.
  • Add relevant links to other related authority websites (like Wikipedia, BBC, etc.)
  • Add other similar 5 to 6 keywords in the “keyword spider” form.
  • Add a strong call to action in the description.
    For eg – Subscribe now, Click for offers, Watch our latest video’s
  • Interlink your old uploaded videos in the description.
For local videos always add your NAP (Name, Phone, Address) at the end of your description.

4. Keyword in the tags.
Tags are not super important But tag helps YouTube to understand your content and your topic. Always keep in mind you have to add a relevant keyword or selected LSI keyword in the video. Add at-least 5 to 7 tags in every video.
4- Video Transcript (Subtitles) is important for Search Crawlers
Video transcript (Subtitles) is most important factor which will give boost to your YouTube ranking. Transcript helps search crawler to understand your keyword and your niche market.
Annotation are great call to action for your video. By using annotation you can actually engage your viewers for subscribing your channel sending them to other videos and even getting leads. For better optimization try to add at-least 3 Annotations per video.
 There Are other off page factor also for  ranking your video Such as social shares, Yahoo, Quora answer, getting back-link from other sites. which I will explain in next blog So stay Tune :)